Chinco Ponies

I was looking to leave town with my daughter and take a nature based, mini vacation as this summer has been exceptionally hectic and we really needed to get away. It had to meet a few basic requirements, it needed to be short range, economical and laid back. She is really into horses and I am "Joe kayak" so we came up with a perfect way to combine the both of them. We decided a road trip down to Virginia and Maryland's Asseteague Islands would be perfect. This National wildlife refuge is the home of the infamous "Misty of Chincoteague" pony and there are several hundred ponies living and roaming freely on the beachfront, in the marshes and back woods of the island. There is much historical dispute as to where this horses actually came from, but we liked the tale of a shipwrecked spanish galleon and the only survivors were horses that were able to swim to the islands. On the way down we decided to take the Cape May/Lewes ferry. Even though it cost a ...