The Ocean is Talking, is anybody listening?

The Ocean is Talking, is anybody listening? Reposted from Anglers Conservation Network January 2013 In my last blog, I wrote about Hurricane Sandy and how it slammed into and opened up Wreck pond to the sea on October 29, 2012. Barely two months later, on December 27, 2012, a Noreaster hits and opens up a new inlet at Lake Takanassee in the same way (Above image), just a few miles to the North. Local residents of the surrounding towns are not happy about the floods that came with this event, but they are happy because the new opening allows the floodwaters to rapidly retreat out to sea. Local Striper fishermen look at this destructive event from an entirely different perspective and see a long-awaited ray of hope. Finally, the vital species of forage fish that feed our striped bass and other gamefish will be able to enter these waters like they used to and spawn and multiply. I visited LakeTak, as locals call it, right after Sandy hit to...