Change in Striped bass regulations could allow Omega Protein to take more menhaden.Say NO WAY to an increased quota for the menhaden fishery TODAY!

The ASMFC Striped Bass Management Board is considering major revisions to the striped bass management plan and one issue is not getting much airtime. New Jersey recreational fishermen need to pay close attention to this issue, as it could have a cascading impact on many of the species we target For decades New Jersey anglers have fought to conserve the favorite food of striped bass: Atlantic menhaden (aka BUNKER). We banned reduction fishing here in NJ and so did every other state--except Virginia. Two years ago, when Omega’s reduction fleet couldn't find any fish in Virginia waters, the motherships motored all the way up to the NY/NJ bight where they caught millions of fish just outside of state lines, to the great frustration of local fishermen and whale watchers. Somehow, this one company continues to exploit hundreds of millions of forage fish every year, despite being universally hated by recreational fishermen and conservationists. Is Omega Protein Inc. using Striped bass re...