Why fisherman should unite to stop the burning of fossil fuels for electricity

Recreational anglers are seeing firsthand that warming waters mean that species are moving farther north than ever before – disrupting fisheries management and throwing off fish migration patterns. Combined with the fact that offshore wind turbines act as artificial reefs that attract fish, many anglers support responsibly developed offshore wind power. However, conventional electricity generation is also harming fishing in other, less noticeable ways, such as acidification, mortality in power plant cooling intakes, and mercury pollution. All of these are reasons recreational anglers should welcome more clean energy such as offshore wind power in our state. The burning of fossil fuels for electricity generation creates excess carbon dioxide that, in addition to adding to the greenhouse gas effect, is also deposited in our oceans, making them more acidic. Increased acidity is altering our marine ecosystems and creatures in ways that we cannot readily see, but years of scientific researc...